Addressing the STEM skills shortage challenge
A guide for local authorities to tackle the UK’s science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) skills gap.
The UK economy suffers a loss of £1.5bn per year due to STEM skills shortages. This not only represents a loss in terms of the UK’s prosperity but also for young people and adults of learning skills, working in more skilled employment, and potentially pioneering new technologies. It is upon all of us to ensure every person can reach their potential by providing them with the right skillset.
In this report, we specifically look at the role local authorities can play in preparing all people with more engineering skills. Our guide consists of recommendations that focus on the role of local authorities and central government in providing economic policy direction, focus, and leadership. They also point to the critical roles of employers, the education sector, and agencies in delivering solutions that address the UK’s skills gap and diversity issues.
Aimed at local government, devolved governments, UK Government, industry, and schools, this report shows how local authorities can play a leading role in facilitating regional skills demand and supply. We explore the ways local authorities can help train and equip people with the skills their region needs and examine the related challenges. It highlights areas of importance such as the need to ensure skills diversity, good quality careers advice, and provision of relevant work experience.